March 5, 2025
Wednesdays 10:00am – 11:15am
(NEW) Beginners Class (Meeting Room)
Open to adults of any age or with physical limitations. The actual practice can be done seated if needed.
Intermediate Class (Meditation Room)
Open to people who already have experience and practice of Tai Chi.
Taught by Siobhan Casey & Monica O’Loughlin.
TaiChi/QiGong, using mind body awareness techniques, teaches us posture alignment and breath control to help us remember and restore our deeper natural breathing, leading to a more relaxed nervous system. This, combined with focused movements, leads to improved energy flow to the internal organs and so assists us physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually in the movement towards greater health, happiness and enthusiasm for life’s goals.
Participants can wear loose comfortable clothes and a soft soled, flat shoe if possible.
Cost: €90 for 6 sessions. Payment is made in person at the class.
To book: Please contact Siobhan on 087 294 1290